final | n 1. a. last game between two remaining contestants, perlawanan akhir: the World Cup F~, Perlawanan Akhir Piala Dunia; b. (in pl) games played in last stage of tournament, /pusingan, peringkat/ akhir: the World Cup F~s, Pusingan Akhir Piala Dunia; 2. (of examination) peperiksaan akhir: the law ~s, peperiksaan akhir undang-undang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
final | adj 1. last, akhir, penghabisan; (the very last) terakhir: the ~ chapter of the book, bab akhir buku itu; ~ preparations, persediaan akhir; the ~ days of the tournament, hari-hari terakhir perlawanan itu; ~ instalment, ansuran terakhir; 2. conclusive, muktamad: the umpires decision is ~, keputusan pengadil adalah muktamad; youre not going, and thats ~!, kamu tdk boleh pergi, dan itu muktamad!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |