Saturday, 24 October 2015

Makna "Invest"

investvi make inquiry, menyiasat, menyelidik; (into a crime) menyiasat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
invest~ so. with, a. furnish so. with (special powers) memberi: the Constitution ~s the President with wide powers, Perlembagaan memberi Presiden kuasa yg luas; to be ~ed with full authority, diberi kuasa penuh; b. ceremonially present with (symbols of office, honour, etc) menganugerahi: the Sultan of Kelantan ~ed him with the ASK, DYMM Sultan Kelantan menganugerahinya pingat ASK; ~ st with, (fml) memberi; (certain atmosphere, air), (act.) memberikan; (pass.) kelihatan: in her book, she ~ed the animals with human attributes, dlm bukunya, dia memberikan sifat manusia kpd watak binatang; the scenery was ~ed with an air of mystery, pemandangan di situ kelihatan penuh misteri; ~ sos words with importance, menganggap kata-kata sso penting.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
invest~ in, a. put money in, melabur dgn membeli: she ~ed heavily in property, dia banyak melabur dgn membeli harta benda; b. (colloq) membeli: Ive just ~ed in a new washing machine, saya baru saja membeli mesin basuh yg baru;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan