purpose | vt (dated) bercadang: they ~ going abroad in the autumn, mereka bercadang utk pergi ke luar negeri dlm musim gugur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purpose | kita; to good ~, dgn berkesan sekali: he used his knowledge to good ~, dia menggunakan pengetahuannya dgn berkesan sekali; to /little, no/ ~, tdk berkesan: his intervention was to little ~, campur tangannya tdk berkesan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purpose | dia telah pergi ke sana dgn tujuan utk memberitahu mereka apa sebenarnya yg difikirkannya; serve no ~, tdk /ada gunanya, berguna/: it will serve no ~ going round to see him, tdk ada gunanya pergi ke sana utk berjumpa dengannya; serve /os, the/ ~, (fml) dapat digunakan: a string will serve the ~ temporarily but we must replace it with wire soon, tali dapat digunakan buat sementara tetapi kita mesti cepat menggantinya dgn dawai; to the ~, mengikut /maksud, tujuan/: the last speech was hardly to the ~, ucapan yg terakhir itu langsung tdk mengikut tujuan; let us keep to the ~, marilah kita mengikut tujuan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purpose | for all practical ~s, sebenarnya: he does so little work in the office, that for all practical ~, it wouldnt make any difference if he didnt come, dia tdk banyak membuat kerja di pejabat, jadi yg sebenarnya, kalau dia tdk datang kerja pun tdk akan menjejaskan apa-apa; on ~, a. not accidentally, dgn sengaja: he did it on ~ to annoy me, dia melakukannya dgn sengaja utk menyakitkan hati saya; b. with a certain intention, dgn tujuan: he had gone there on ~ to tell them exactly what he thought, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purpose | n 1. intention, aim, tujuan, maksud: our ~ is to attract skilled workers, tujuan kami adalah utk menarik pekerja mahir; I went to town with the sole ~ of buying new shoes for the children, saya pergi ke bandar dgn satu tujuan iaitu membeli kasut baru utk anak-anak saya; 2. definite aim, resolve, azam, tekad: he seems altogether lacking in ~, nampaknya dia langsung tdk ada azam; his steadfastness of ~ enabled him to keep going despite the difficulties, azamnya yg tdk berubah-ubah itu telah membolehkannya meneruskan tugasnya walaupun dia banyak menghadapi masalah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purposeˈpɜr pəs
purpose (v)
- present
- purposes
- past
- purposed
- past participle
- purposed
- present participle
- purposing
purpose (n)
- plural
- purposes
English Definitions:
purpose, intent, intention, aim, design (noun)
an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
"his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"
function, purpose, role, use (noun)
what something is used for
"the function of an auger is to bore holes"; "ballet is beautiful but what use is it?"
determination, purpose (verb)
the quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose
"his determination showed in his every movement"; "he is a man of purpose"
aim, purpose, purport, propose (verb)
propose or intend
"I aim to arrive at noon"
purpose, resolve (verb)
reach a decision
"he resolved never to drink again"